Ancestry Tours of Linktown, Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland. Abbotshall Churchyard. Linktown in 1846, a town, in the parish of Abbotshall, district of Kirkcaldy, county of Fife; containing 3240 inhabitants. This town is situated on the west side of the bay of Kirkcaldy, and consists of one principal street, nearly a mile in length, and of several lanes which lead into it from various parts of the parish. These are all narrow and inconveniently formed; and the houses, with the exception of some of more modern erection, are low and of mean appearance. The streets are lighted with gas from works recently erected in the parish for the supply of Kirkcaldy, Newtown, and places adjacent. Nearly in the centre of the town is a handsome residence belonging to John Pratt, Esq., of Glentarkie, which, being surrounded by grounds tastefully laid out, and embellished with shrubberies and young plantations, adds much to the scenery and general appearance of the place. Most of the chief manufacturers of the parish reside in this town, which abounds with factories of various kinds; the principal trade is the weaving of ticking, and the manufacture of dowlas, canvas, and a thin kind of sheeting. There are also several spinningmills, a pottery for the coarser sorts of earthenware, and a public small-beer brewery. The proximity of the market of Kirkcaldy renders the establishment of any at this place unnecessary; but a fair is held on the third Friday in April, formerly much attended for the sale of linseed; and another on the third Friday in October, once for the sale of black-cattle. These, however, have both very much declined; and at present, shoes and a few articles of pedlery only are exposed for sale. A society for supplying meal at a moderate cost, when that article is dear, has been established, and operates as a salutary check upon sudden fluctuations in the price of bread. The town is a burgh of barony, and is under the government of a bailie appointed by Mr. Ferguson. There is a small prison for the temporary confinement of persons convicted by the bailie of trifling offences against the peace; but it is very seldom used.
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